Due to cancellations, we have updated the 5th Triennial IAACS Conference Program (May 26). Click here to download the English program. The conference is hosted at the University of Ottawa on May 26-29, 2015. The theme is: What are the tasks of the curriculum scholars for the 21st century? Don’t miss the scholarly conversations!
May 24 2015
[Mise à jour] 5e conférence triennale de l’IAACS – Programme final a changé!
En raison d’annulations, nous avons mis à jour le programme de la conférence (26 mai) est maintenant disponible en français. Cliquez ici pour télécharger le programme français. La conférence est organisée à l’Université d’Ottawa en mai 26-29 2015. Ne manquez pas les conversations savantes!
May 22 2015
[Call for Chapters] Hacking Education in a Digital Age: Teacher Education, Curriculum, and Literacies
Excerpt from Call:
“The institutional winds that once supported traditional organizational frameworks for public education have shifted to meet the demands of a transnational globalized digital knowledge economy. In response, teacher education programs and school boards have rewired their infrastructure and are now poised to implement different curricular programs and pedagogical strategies in the name of economic and social innovation for the twenty-first century. Now the digital curriculum must be hardwired for Smartphones, iPads, iPods, and so on—where teachers and students’ bodies are plugged in more readily to the globalized multinational social imaginary and its virtual reality … In this collection we are playing with the etymology of “hacking,” or more precisely to “hack,” Continue reading
May 21 2015
5th Triennial IAACS Conference – The School Bus Symposium
In this alternative session, The School Bus Symposium involves riding the bus! We will meet in the Marion Auditorium on May 29th at 1:15PM only briefly before taking the bus. There are only 35 seats available so please RSVP to . We will reserve places on the bus for the first 35 people to reply.
To surface memories of taking the bus to school, in-action poetry readings will take place throughout the 90-minute session to stimulate and simulate childhood recollections. The chartered school bus will journey through several Ottawa neighborhoods reflective of the socioeconomic and cultural diversity in the city (e.g., Sandy Hill, Lowertown, New Edinburgh, Vanier) Continue reading
May 13 2015
5th Triennial IAACS Conference – Project of Heart
Justice for Indigenous Women’s core mission is to provide a meaningful way for mainstream Canadians to partner with a broad campaign to address the intergenerational impacts of the Indian Residential School era on Indigenous girls and women. In collaboration with Project of Heart (http://projectofheart.ca), an arts-based, learner-centered, activist education project, gestures of reconciliation created by students are made into jewelry. These works of art act as “witness pieces” that speak to the importance of telling the truth about Canada’s history.
These works of art will be showcased at the 5th Triennial IAACS Conference. Drop by the table to view these pieces and learn more about Project of Heart and Justice for Indigenous Women. Click here for a sample.
May 11 2015
5e conférence triennale de l’IAACS : Inscrivez-vous pour la visite Kitigan Zibi Communauté
Nous aimerions vous inviter à visiter et rencontrer avec nous les gens de la communauté de Kitigan Zibi le 26 mai 2015 en matinée. Les deux autobus quitteront le campus devant le pavillon Lamoureux à 7:30 le matin et seront de retour à 14:00. La journée incluera une visite du Centre culturel de Kitigan Zibi ainsi que de l’école Kikinamadinan School (voir http://kzadmin.com/Home.aspx). La durée du trajet (90 minutes) permettra aux délégués et déléguées de profiter du paysage des collines de l’Outaouais et d’en apprendre davantage sur le territoire non-cédé des Anishnabeg, son histoire, et les communautés qui y ont vécu depuis la nuit des temps. Continue reading