Doll, William E., Jr. (Bill)
Dear Colleagues,
I write with very sad news: our valued colleague and friend, Bill Doll, has passed away. I send Donna (Trueit), in the name of IAACS (and in my personal name), our solidarity and love.
In a piece in honor of his mentor, in 2009, Bill Doll wrote: “with his passing went part of my soul. (…) He was a teacher who helped me shape my views not only in education, but also on life”. Those of us who had the privilege of knowing Bill Doll as well as those who never had the honor of meeting him in person — all in the worldwide curriculum studies field recognize the many ways in which Bill served as mentor. His crucial contributions to the field include his distinctive voice and infectious laughter, his influential books and essays, and his support of and constant participation in myriad curriculum studies conferences and journals. Continue reading