[Call For Proposals] 2017 AAACS Annual Conference

The American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Annual Conference will be held from April 24-27, 2017 at University of Texas, San Antonio.


Curriculum matters. Race matters. Place matters. Epistemologies matter. And matter also matters of indigeneity, immigration and epistemicide—of the South, at the borders, and beyond. Through this year’s conference theme—inspired, too, by the place of our convening and work of our colleagues (t)here; we invite participants to inquire, critique, ponder, dream, converse and create together through and from attention to these matters. Herein, we aim to not only continue from last year conversations regarding our ethical, and historical, engagements (AAACS 2016), but also to further those of our affiliate and sister organizations respecting the current tasks of the curriculum theorist (IAACS 2015), where curriculum theory and its labor, in fact, stand in the present moment (Bergamo 2016)—as well as in those to come; and demands to “colour” curriculum, interrogating places therein of power, privilege and supremacy (C&P 2016). We, too, seek responsiveness to/in a contemporary scene wherein much is contested, conflicted, complexified, and produced as nonexistent among us, particularly perhaps in the U.S./“America”, as pertains to race, place, indigeneity, immigration and epistemology—especially concerning difference, equity, solidarity and social and cognitive justice; and possibly no more so than in the “othered” South.

For example, while restorations of particular nations of the Global North have been acknowledged and taken up—and this, via the curriculum—in Canada, which necessarily involves listening to and learning from indigenous knowledges (the fruit of which was so beautifully shared at IAACS 2015), as well as in Australia (the place of our upcoming IAACS 2018 convening); such efforts are virtually nonexistent in the US, where one could argue indigeneity is largely still rendered invisible and thus inarticulable. And we suffer still in this context without any redress—with even much repressive regress—respecting generations of racial violence, suffering and oppression. Such questions too might be brought to bear at the borders, as it were, liminal spaces and fluid if not fractured places wherein epistemologies of the South, and of language and of citizenship, are deeply implicated, and such also with respect to education, curriculum and pedagogy.

We welcome, of course, as always, proposals on any current curriculum studies scholarship, and encourage provocative, stimulating and surprising conference formats; critical and creative conversations among us that may initiate healing and transformation, and illumine new paths and possibilities for us from within our midst.


Follow the link to submit proposal: https://goo.gl/forms/EPUE2pKTZstyHObh1.

Your proposal automatically registers you as a member of AAACS—there are no dues. With membership in AAACS (http://aaacs.org) comes membership in the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (http://www.iaacs.org).

Important Dates:

December 11, 2016 Priority Deadline
January 8, 2017 Cut-off Submission
April 24-27, 2017 Annual Meeting Dates



For questions/inquiry regarding the conference and/or call for proposals, please email conference and program committee email at: AAACScallforproposals@gmail.com.


For Full Details:

Click here to view full details of the Call in PDF or visit the AAACS Conference website: http://aaacs.org/conference.html.